Data Science & AI

Revolutionizing product visualization with Generative AI

Revolutionizing product visualization with Generative AI

Sergey Parakhin Sergey Parakhin
May 30, 2023 • 11 min read

Discover how brands can leverage Generative AI to transform the way they produce content and visualize products....

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Supply Chain and Pricing

Inventory allocation optimization: A pre-built solution for Dataiku

Inventory allocation optimization: A pre-built solution for Dataiku

Marko Nikolic Marko Nikolic
Apr 04, 2023 • 17 min read
Building a Visual Quality Control solution in Google Cloud using Vertex AI

Building a Visual Quality Control solution in Google Cloud using Vertex AI

Oleg Smirnov Oleg Smirnov
Feb 14, 2023 • 9 min read
Optimization of order and inventory sourcing decisions in supply chains with multiple nodes, carriers, shipment options, and products

Optimization of order and inventory sourcing decisions in supply chains with multiple nodes, carriers, shipment options, and products

Volodymyr Koliadin Volodymyr Koliadin
Feb 02, 2023 • 31 min read
How explainable AI helped reduce warehouse order picking time by 1/4

How explainable AI helped reduce warehouse order picking time by 1/4

Maksym Kmet Maksym Kmet
Dec 20, 2022 • 11 min read
Building a Workforce Schedule Optimization solution

Building a Workforce Schedule Optimization solution

Jake Jian Jake Jian
Mar 22, 2022 • 8 min read
Ship from store and save

Ship from store and save

Artem Kondakov Artem Kondakov
Nov 09, 2021 • 11 min read
Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for multi-echelon supply chain optimization

Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for multi-echelon supply chain optimization

Ilya Katsov Ilya Katsov
Jun 10, 2020 • 11 min read
Safety stock optimization for Ship-from-Store

Safety stock optimization for Ship-from-Store

Alex Rodin Alex Rodin
Mar 08, 2019 • 17 min read
A guide to dynamic pricing algorithms

A guide to dynamic pricing algorithms

Ilya Katsov Ilya Katsov
Mar 05, 2019 • 22 min read
Retail price modeling for replenishable and seasonal products

Retail price modeling for replenishable and seasonal products

Ilya Katsov Ilya Katsov
Jan 30, 2019 • 34 min read
Algorithmic pricing, part III: implementation blueprint

Algorithmic pricing, part III: implementation blueprint

Ilya Katsov Ilya Katsov
Jan 08, 2019 • 10 min read
Algorithmic pricing, part II: AI and pricing strategy

Algorithmic pricing, part II: AI and pricing strategy

Ilya Katsov Ilya Katsov
Dec 18, 2018 • 4 min read
Algorithmic pricing, part I: the risks and opportunities

Algorithmic pricing, part I: the risks and opportunities

Ilya Katsov Ilya Katsov
Dec 11, 2018 • 13 min read
Predictive analytics for promotion and price optimization

Predictive analytics for promotion and price optimization

Ilya Katsov Ilya Katsov
Aug 07, 2018 • 13 min read
Xgboost vs Catboost vs Lightgbm:
which is best for price prediction?

Xgboost vs Catboost vs Lightgbm: which is best for price prediction?

Conor McNamara Conor McNamara
May 01, 2018 • 7 min read

Customer Intelligence and Personalization

Natural Language Processing

Computer Vision

Recent Natural Language Processing breakthrough in Computer Vision

Recent Natural Language Processing breakthrough in Computer Vision

Andrii Khomenko Andrii Khomenko
May 05, 2022 • 19 min read
How to build visual traffic analytics with open source: car tracking and license plates recognition

How to build visual traffic analytics with open source: car tracking and license plates recognition

Andrii Shkredko Andrii Shkredko
Jan 11, 2022 • 12 min read
Visual search: how to find manufacturing parts in a cinch

Visual search: how to find manufacturing parts in a cinch

Artem Ivashchenko Artem Ivashchenko
Dec 07, 2021 • 7 min read
Street-to-Shop: Is the Future of Fashion Visual Search?

Street-to-Shop: Is the Future of Fashion Visual Search?

Alexey Belyakov Alexey Belyakov
May 28, 2021 • 14 min read
Using Augmented Reality in Interior & Property Design

Using Augmented Reality in Interior & Property Design

Maksym Kmet Maksym Kmet
Apr 29, 2021 • 7 min read
Fighting with biases: How to measure diversity in streaming media

Fighting with biases: How to measure diversity in streaming media

Aleksey Romanov Aleksey Romanov
Apr 16, 2021 • 9 min read
How to recognize coins with deep learning visual model

How to recognize coins with deep learning visual model

Eugene Steinberg Eugene Steinberg
Jan 14, 2021 • 9 min read
Virtual backgrounds: real-time deep semantic segmentation on mobile devices

Virtual backgrounds: real-time deep semantic segmentation on mobile devices

Ivan Mamontov Ivan Mamontov
Dec 15, 2020 • 10 min read
Industrial label recognition made easy with AutoML

Industrial label recognition made easy with AutoML

Eugene Steinberg Eugene Steinberg
Jul 20, 2020 • 5 min read
What is computer vision and what can it do?

What is computer vision and what can it do?

Ezra Berger Ezra Berger
Nov 13, 2019 • 8 min read
What computer vision services, platforms & solutions are on the market

What computer vision services, platforms & solutions are on the market

Ezra Berger Ezra Berger
Oct 31, 2019 • 8 min read
10 ways computer vision is transforming digital retail

10 ways computer vision is transforming digital retail

Ezra Berger Ezra Berger
Oct 17, 2019 • 7 min read
A visual search for dinnerware patterns with

A visual search for dinnerware patterns with

Eugene Steinberg Eugene Steinberg
Sep 11, 2019 • 5 min read
Identifying screws, a practical case study for visual search

Identifying screws, a practical case study for visual search

Vladislav Isaev Vladislav Isaev
Feb 27, 2019 • 8 min read helps customers find art they love with visual search helps customers find art they love with visual search

Eugene Steinberg Eugene Steinberg
Nov 15, 2018 • 4 min read
Expanding product discovery with ML-powered image similarity search

Expanding product discovery with ML-powered image similarity search

Eugene Steinberg Eugene Steinberg
May 30, 2018 • 10 min read
Creating an image similarity function with TensorFlow and its application in e-commerce

Creating an image similarity function with TensorFlow and its application in e-commerce

Nina Pakhomova Nina Pakhomova
Jun 29, 2017 • 6 min read
Detecting and correcting e-commerce catalog misattribution with image and text classification using Google TensorFlow

Detecting and correcting e-commerce catalog misattribution with image and text classification using Google TensorFlow

Nina Pakhomova Nina Pakhomova
Jun 22, 2017 • 9 min read
How Machine Learning can address attribution issues in e-commerce catalogs

How Machine Learning can address attribution issues in e-commerce catalogs

Nina Pakhomova Nina Pakhomova
Jun 20, 2017 • 4 min read

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