Next Best Action analytics for enhanced HCP commercial engagement for a Fortune 500 Pharma company
Next Best Action analytics for enhanced HCP commercial engagement for a Fortune 500 Pharma company

Next Best Action analytics for enhanced HCP commercial engagement for a Fortune 500 Pharma company

Get the Case study

Discover how we improved a Fortune 500 Pharma company's email click rate by 50% with a custom Next Best Action recommendations engine. Along the way, you'll learn how the final repeatable, scalable NBA solution uses BigData and ML best practices to:

  • Empower sales reps with customer, content, and channel sequence recommendations to maximize customer engagement and conversion;
  • Decrease the number and effect of unsuccessful interactions;
  • Streamline marketing analytics to save time on tracking, communication, and double-checking; and
  • Enable the benefits of automation, global onboarding, and transparent scalability.

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